


Female genital mutilation.

Almería. February 12th-13th, 2021



FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 2021.


9:30. Opening Ceremony

·      Mr. Carmelo Rodríguez Torreblanca. Rector of the UAL.

·      Ms. Nieves Turienzo Río. President of MDM Spain.

·      Mr. Cayetano Fernández Sola. President of the MDM Congress.

·      Mr. Juan de la Cruz Belmonte Mena. Delegate of Health and Families of the Regional Government of Andalucía.

·      Ms. Carmen Belén López Zapata. Deputy Special Delegate for Equality and Family of the Provincial Deputation of Almería.


10:00. Inaugural conference.

Introduce: Mª Carmen Domínguez Lora. President of MDM Andalucía and Co-President of MDM Congress.

Leyla Hussein. FGM suvivor, psychotherapist specialized in working with survivors of sexual violence and British social activist born in Somalia. Founder of the Dahlia Project, co-founders of the non-profit organization Daughter´s of Eve, Executive Director of Hawa's Haven.

10:45. Q&A Time.


11:00-11:30. Coffe break.


11:30-12:30. Panel 1. Transfiere Project about FGM.

Moderator: Valentín Márquez Luna. Social Inclusion Project Coordinator of MDM Andalucía.

  • 11:30. “UAL-Doctors of the World research contract on female genital mutilation. Development, results and challenges. (TRFE-SI-2019/011).

Cayetano Fernández Sola. Transfiere Project Principal Researcher.

·      11:45. “Importance of research in the prevention of FGM”.

Fátima León Larios. Nurse, midwife and anthropologist. PhD, Lecturer of the Nursing Department of the University of Seville. Member of the Andalusian Association of Midwives.

·      12:00. “Migration and female genital mutilation: a cultural and gender approach to prevention”.

Rosa María Marín Zapata. Member of the Autonomous Board of Directors of MDM in Andalucía.

·      12:15. Q&A Time.


12:30-14:00 Panel 2. Comprehensive approach to FGM: Good practices.

Moderator: Virginia López Gutiérrez. Member of the Autonomuous Board of MDM in Andalucía.

·      12:30. "The keys to a comprehensive approach to FGM ".

Mª Idoia Ugarte Gurrutxaga. Nurse and Anthropologist. Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Professor and researcher (PDI) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. Volunteer of MDM.

·      12:50. " The Wassu methodology: an interdisciplinary approach to Female Genital Mutilation".

Neus Aliaga Figueras. Anthropologist and Technical Coordinator of the Wassu-UAB Foundation.

·      13:10. “Attention to Female Genital Mutilation in the Autonomous Community of Aragon”.

Mabel Cano del Pozo. Head of the Health Strategies and Training Service, General Directorate of Health Assistance. Health Department. Government of ARAGÓN.

·      13:30. “Coordinated Sanitary Approach to FGM in the Province of Malaga”.

Carmen Agüera Urbano. Associate Physician of the Emergency Unit of the Costa del Sol Hospital in Marbella. Family and Community Medicine Specialist.

·      13:50. “Presentation of evaluation of prevention and action protocols for Female Genital Mutilation in the Spanish State”.

Mª Idoia Ugarte Gurrutxaga. Nurse and Anthropologist. Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Professor and researcher (PDI) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. Volunteer of MDM. 

Helena Sánchez Torrente. Sociologist. Analysis and Improvement Technician of the Department of State and Autonomous Programs of MDM.

·      14:10. Q&A Time.


14:30. Lunch Break.


16:00-17:30. Panel 3. "Current legal approach to Female Genital Mutilation".

Moderator: María del Carmen Domínguez Lora. President of MDM Andalucía and Co-President of MDM Congress.

·      16:00. "Criminal Law in the face of female genital mutilation".

Julia Ropero Carrasco. Senior Lecturer of Criminal Law, Rey Juan Carlos University.

·      16:20. “Female Genital Mutilation and Right of Asylum”.

Carmen Rueda Ramírez. Lawyer belonging to the Illustrious Malaga Bar Association, responsible for the Legal Service of the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid(CEAR) in the Eastern Andalusia Delegation.

  • 16:40. “Reports for asylum seekers from health and mediation”.

Hodan Sulaman Youssouf. Intervention and mediation technique in female genital mutilation and prostitution projects. MDM Madrid.

·      17:00. “Bringing paths closer: legislative, health, cultural”.

Nicole Ndongala Nzoiwidi. Speaker. Karibú Association General Director.

·      17:15. Q&A Time.


17:30-18:00. Coffe Break.


18:00-20:00. Panel 4. Health system and FGM.

Moderator: Wladimir Morante García. Coordinator of MDM Andalucía.

·       18:00. "Training for health professionals for the Prevention of female genital mutilation ".

Mbaye Gil Sánchez. Nurse at the Basurto University Hospital, Bilbao. President of the Sunu Gaal Association.

·       18:20. "Female Genital Mutilation. Visibility and comprehensive approach ".

Mercedes Rivera Cuello. Pediatrician (Hospital de la Axarquía). Associate Lecturer at the University of Málaga. Volunteer of MDM.

·       18:40. "Female Genital Mutilation. A major health problem in our healthcare system ".

Sergio Pérez Torres. Gynecologist (Hospital de la Axarquía). Master in International Health from the University of Malaga. Volunteer of MDM in Málaga.

·       19:00. "Evaluation and attitude towards FGM in the field of gynecology ".

Gabriel Fiol Ruiz. Gynecologist. Hospital Universitario Torrecárdenas.

·       19:20. "The mutilation silenced. Non-consensual medical treatment of intersex minors as legalized torture".

Daniel J. García López. Department of Philosophy of Law of the University of Granada.

·       19:40. Q&A Time.




9:00-10:30. Panel 5. Educational environment and leadership of young women.

Moderator: Rosa María Marín Zapata. Member of the Autonomous Board of MDM in Andalucía.

·      9:00. “The role of intercultural mediators in working with professionals: overcoming language and cultural barriers ".

Aissé Cisse N`diaye. Intercultural mediator in the project for the prevention of Female Genital Mutilation in MDM Castilla-la Mancha.

·       9:20. " Work with Black Power Group "

Farmata Watt. Intercultural Mediator at MDM Navarra and Founding Member of "Flor de África" ​​and "Dunia Musso”.

·      9:40. “Youth engagement in favor of the abandonment: sharing the experience of Salamata”

Salamata Wone. Young ambassador of the European Network ENDFGM

·      10:00. “The hidden violence of forced marriage”.

Ariadna Vila Castelló. Psychologist and Director of the Valentes i Acompanyades Association.

·      10:20. Q&A Time.


10:30 – 11:00. Coffe Break.


11:00-12:30. Panel 6. Survivors and activists.

Moderator: Julia Moreno Sánchez. Social Worker MDM Aragon.

·      11:00. “Experience in Catalonia, Gambia and Senegal”.

Sira Kande Diamaka Diemé. Political scientist, Mediator and host agent and activist feminist.

·      11:20. “African Women and Activism”.

Fatima Djarra Sani. Intervention technique of MDM Navarra. Expert in preventing female genital mutilation. Co-founder of the Association of African Women in Navarra “Flor de Africa” and “Dunia Musso”.

·      11:40. “The need to keep moving forward”.

Asha Ismail. Survivor and activist, Founder in 2007 of the Save a Girl Save a Generation association that works in Spain and Kenya to stop FGM.

·      12:00. Q&A Time.


12:30. Closing Conference.

Introduce: Cayetano Fernández Sola. Co-president of the MDM Congress.

 “Network to end female genital mutilation in Europe and around the world”.

Chiara Cosentino. Head of Politicy & Advocacy. End FMG European Network.


13:10. Closing ceremony.

·       MDM Andalucía and University of Almería.